Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Change -- It matters

The cool breeze kissing your cheeks,
The smell of chicken begging you to eat it,
The taste of chicken challenging the taste buds,
A visual treat in the form of the silent Arabian sea,
The Gateway of India standing tall awaiting its usual flush of visitors,
The beauty of Taj under construction,
Sitting with the police people and the dabba which is supposed to be a bullet proof vehicle to shield them from the so called terrorists (Enna koduma sir ithu),
A chat with a friend recollecting fond memories of my college and work place,
The Adrak ka chai at 3.30 in the morning,
An enlightenment, a bliss, lighting of the intellect.

How important change is. All this i wouldn’t have relished if I had not gone to the Gateway of India with my friend taking a break from the usual routine of college. Well a sudden plan, a sudden decision as usual turned out very well. It just happened – No other best sentence to describe it. We had planned to go to the Marine Drive but my inclination towards food led us towards Bade Miyan on the backside of Taj. We sat for our second stint of dinner and finished it at 1 AM. Recollecting what had happened on the dreaded night of 26/11 at Taj, we just had a lazy walk around the Taj and settled down before the entrance along with the police in charge. We had our casual chat and made our way back home at around 4 in the morning. And as I write this, I am not at all sure whether I will be able to attend tomorrow's lecture at 9 AM. Hopefully because I can’t afford to miss one another good lecture.

P.S --> Just a sheer coincidence that it is the longest day of 2009.